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August 2013  |  Newsletter of the Marine Biodiversity Hub
Systematic conservation planning in open ocean waters and deep sea habitats

Supporting biodiversity management in open ocean waters and deep sea habitats

Marine Biodiversity Hub scientists are applying experience gained while working with the Department of Sustainability, Environment, Water, Population and Communities (DSEWPaC) marine bioregional planning teams to support the Australian Government’s regional and international interests in marine conservation.

Australian Oceanic Blacktip Shark Image:  UWA

A blueprint for ecosystem health reporting across the EEZ

The NERP Marine Biodiversity Hub is developing a blueprint for monitoring marine ecosystems of Australia’s Exclusive Economic Zone (EEZ).

Turtle populations in the Ningaloo Marine Park.   Image: Chloe Sykes

Accounting for public views on the environment

Increasingly, governments are seeking to consider public as well as expert preferences in decision-making processes relating to environmental policy.

Cumulative effect of trawling, on the East coast of Australia, of a multi-species group including gulper sharks.  Image:  CSIRO

Silken purses out of a sow’s ear – statistical analysis of biogeographical data

Novel approaches and national datasets developed to help quantify and predict marine biodiversity are being applied by NERP Marine Biodiversity Hub scientists in a range of new locations and environments to inform planners and managers.

Crew of RV Solander retrieving benthic sled from the seafloor during survey of the Oceanic Shoals.  Image:  AIMS

Surveying the Oceanic Shoals Commonwealth Marine Reserve: an Australian marine frontier

A three-week survey of the Oceanic Shoals Commonwealth Marine Reserve (CMR), a poorly known region of the Timor Sea north of Australia, found biodiversity patterns related to turbidity, light and currents.

Amelia Fowles at International Youth Forum Go4BioDiv  (Pictured third from left).

Students nurtured by Hub experience

The Marine Biodiversity Hub has supported 17 PhD students and one summer scholarship student from CERF and NERP funding, including a generous scholarship program from the University of Tasmania (UTAS).