May 17, 2010


5-7 May 2009, Trondheim, Norway

GeoHab conferences have been held all over the world, with Alaska (2008), New Caledonia (2007) and Edinburgh (2006) as the more recent venues. The conference brings together scientists from the fields of geology, biology, acoustics, statistics and management, providing a truly multidisciplinary and exciting forum for exchange of knowledge and ideas. GeoHab provides an informal, though global, meeting place for scientists working on underpinning sustainable ocean management. 

The themes for the 2009 conference will include: 

- Linking geology and biology – new developments in the use of proxies for ecosystem characterisation

- Acoustic and statistical methods for substrate and biota classification and modeling

- Arctic habitats and climate change

As usual, GeoHab 2009 will also welcome oral and poster presentations covering a wide range of aspects related to habitat mapping. Some additional key themes may be benthic–pelagic coupling, temporal variability, data storage and outreach, modeling and predictions, deep water and high seas habitats, cold water corals and sponges, vulnerable habitats and marine protected areas, the coast (including the “white strip"), technology, processes, geo–bio interactions, regional mapping programs, and ocean management policies.