Social media posts reveal the geographic range of the Critically Endangered Clown Wedgefish Rhynchobatus cooki

The shark-like rays of the family Rhinidae (wedgefishes) are one of the most threatened group of marine fishes globally. The poorly-known Clown Wedgefish Rhynchobatus cooki has historically only been recorded from fish markets in Singapore and Jakarta, Indonesia. Its natural geographic range has until now gone undocumented. Intentional searches of social media posts describing wedgefish catches in Indonesia and Malaysia revealed the first wild records of this Critically Endangered species. A total of six catch records from small-scale fisheries were located from Lingga and Singkep Islands in Indonesia (1 from 2015, 4 from 2019, 1 from 2020). It remains unknown if the species is a micro-endemic to this small area of the Malay Archipelago, or if it is wider ranging. These results demonstrate the utility of social media searches to identify biogeographic records of cryptic and data-poor species.

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