NESP Marine Biodiversity Hub - Governance

The NESP Marine Biodiversity Hub responsibilities and commitments include to:

  • Design and deliver research that meets the agreed NESP research priorities and strategic interests of the Hub’s research partners and stakeholders
  • Meet agreed milestones in the research plans on time and within budget
  • Manage and acquit Hub finances and other contractual issues in accordance with the NESP funding agreement, sub-contracts and research plans
  • Promote uptake of the Hub’s research by end-users
  • Contribute to national collaboration on marine biodiversity research
  • Provide a succession plan to sustain the Marine Biodiversity Hub into the future

The role of the Hub’s governance is to provide the oversight, direction and guidance to ensure the Hub delivers its responsibilities and commitments effectively and efficiently. This will include:

  • Approval of the Hub’s Annual Research Plan and the strategies to deliver these
  • Monitoring progress in meeting the Hub’s commitments to the NESP, including the approval annual reports on Hub performance to the NESP
  • Approval of the annual allocation of resources across the research priorities, including approval of allocation of significant new resources or material departures in resource allocation between partners and priorities (under or over eg 10+% variation?)
  • Review and endorsement of key Hub policies, plans and procedures, including the Communication and Monitoring and Evaluation Plans,
  • Advise and support the Director in effective engagement with key stakeholders and potential new partners and end users
  • Oversight of the key risks to the effective delivery of the Hub’s commitments

Review and advise the Hub partners on opportunities to broaden the uptake of the Hub’s research and to extend the capacity and continuation of the Hub beyond its NESP contract

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