The Kiwi connection

December 15, 2018

orange roughy on the seafloor with a marked quadrat
A seafloor image from the deep-tow camera capturing orange roughy is marked up for analysis. Links in deep-sea research between the Austalia and New Zealand date back to the 1980s-early 1990s when assessing the size and status of orange roughy stocks was a key research issue for both NIWA and CSIRO. Image: CSIRO

Seamount resources: balancing exploitation and conservation

December 8, 2018

Malcolm Clark of NIWA
Malcolm Clark has worked with CSIRO colleagues on seamount research for many years, and is sharing his experience of similar environments across the Tasman. As a principal investigator on this survey, he is leading a watch, and helping to plan and direct sampling operations. Image: Fraser Johnston/CSIRO

Science meets marine park management

December 2, 2018

Cath Samson on deck
Cath Samson enjoys good weather in the Huon Marine Park  off southern Tasmania. Image: Bethany Green/CSIRO

Cooee! Sound-testing 1200 metres beneath the waves

December 1, 2018

Scientists and crew setting up an acoustics experiment
The acoustic calibration toolkit: ropes, weights, a large glass sphere, and a USBL positioning system to help the ship locate itself exactly over the sphere, which will be lowered to depths of 1200 metres. Image: Bethany Green/CSIRO
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